conflict with wppopupmaker plugin, popup not loading on archive pages

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Marc 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 274

    I installed wppopupmaker plugin for showing popups in GeoDirectory Category Archive Pages (Category Description):

    But the popup is not loading on any GeoDirectory Archive / Category Page:
    Here click on “Offerte” = Not working (GeoDirectory Category Archive)

    Here on place detail page it’s working: (“Offerte”)
    Here it’s working too, normal page, same popup.

    It seems that there is a conflict with wppopupmaker and GeoDirectory Core plugin (I checked all other addons, it’s a problem in GDV2 Core and not ninja forms or any other GD addon) AND any GeoDirecory Archive Page (Category Pages, Location Page, Places Page).

    wppopupmaker owner says:
    “It may be that they do something where their is_page type functions don’t return true when you expect them to.” Or some php conflict?

    Can you please check this?

    Thanks a lot!


    Expired Member
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Marc,

    Have you tried with another theme? The genesis theme seems to do things a bit different and is the theme i have been having most issues with.



    Expired Member
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Is it designed to work on an archive page? Though we use a page template this is just for the layout of the archive page, the actual popup code is not rendered in the footer so its like its being told its not supposed to be there. Or it could be its reading the wrong query.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 274

    It this the problem?

    – No wp_footer:
    It’s possible that you could be missing the wp_footer component of your WordPress on this page/template. Although, if this is the case, you wouldn’t be able to see the admin bar either. Getting the wp_footer component back on your site should solve this issue.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    No, its there its just not being output there.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 274
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 274

    Dear Stiofan

    I receive this message from wppopupmaker, please tell me if it’s a bug in the GDv2 plugin, in the genesis theme or wpopupmaker related.

    Thanks for reply!

    Yes, we support any custom post type, singular & archives, custom taxonomies as well.

    But none of that matters. Our code runs on every page. It queries all popups and checks their conditions, if they have none then they pass automatically. All popups that pass conditions are enqueued, any assets required for those popups are enqueued as well etc.

    Then in wp_footer() all our popups that are enqueued (passed conditions) are rendered hidden, just before scripts.

    So there are only a couple possible issues. All in that first part.

    Either the query isn’t getting run (the action we hook into isn’t running or has been unhooked), the query is coming back empty (something is filtering the our query), something is filtering the condition check (where conditions are checked and returning false on just those pages). Once they pass those 2 points assets would be loaded on the page if there were any popups enqueued.

    So since no assets are loaded, the only assumption is that they never get to enqueue, meaning none of them pass conditions or the query is empty or the query simply never ran.

    Pretty limited honestly, shouldn’t be difficult to see if the query is running using Query Monitor plugin. Check for 2 queries, one for all popups, the other for all of their meta.

    If those run then its in conditions or wp_footer isn’t running.

    So this isn’t an issue of supporting their custom post types, its an issue of something simply not running when it should be.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    we have created a task to look at this, but 3rd party plugin compatibility will be delayed until all the addons have been upgraded to V2 compatibility.

    A task has been created to look at this and an update wil be posted here as soon as it becomes available.


    Expired Member
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