Continued Multilocation Issues for the Virgin Islands

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 9 years, 9 months ago.

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    Post count: 187


    We’re going on a year of development now with the full premium product add-on, support forum, etc. We have to launch ASAP.

    Unfortunately we continue to have problems with proper configuration for the multilocation add-on. Despite hours upon hours of tedious tweaking and troubleshooting by yours truly, I’ve also even had Stiofan help individually via Skype.

    Any tweaks or configuration changes only help for a short period of time before things get all wonky again.

    I know the problem lies in the fact that we’re operating out of the US and British Virgin Islands and addresses are not 100% Google-friendly. We need to figure out a way to customize the add-on in a way that will work for our unique (and admittedly, backwards) island environment.

    I really need another individual Skype session with Stiofan. How do I get on his shortlist?

    I’m happy to provide any additional background information or links to previous threads if it will help.

    Thank you!



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    Stiofan O’Connor
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