copy listings to new site

This topic contains 24 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  laurence anthony 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    thanks Gusst. Yea, i noticed that too. I’ll delete those. I have default region set and correct cities showing on add listing page now. And if i use “2503 overlook creek way” and do not select it from autocomplete, map point gets sets correctly. So that’s all good now. Just need to remember if this happens to a user, they just need not select it from autocomplete.

    If you guys could help sort payment, I’d be grateful!
    Also, I notice I get Post Submitted Successfully email before paying for the listing.


    Post count: 29970

    I had no trouble with that address.
    Deleting your caching plugin might fix the address issue.

    I will leave the payment issue to Paolo.


    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    whats the best way to temporarily disable the add listing page, except for admins?

    and maybe add a note, stating it’s under maintenance?


    Post count: 29970

    GD > design > navigation > Allow post type to add from frontend > DELETE Places

    Add a text widget on your pages that says, you will be back soon.

    You really have to delete that caching plugin, that might solve half of your issues. It does NOT work with GD.


    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    I’ve deleted cache and plugin, payment still doesn’t work. same issue.


    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    i’ve got working now, thanks…

    tried gd booster, but it didn’t speed anything up. so i removed it.
    maybe i’ll give it another try after we move the site.


    Post count: 29970

    So everything is fixed then? Any outstanding issues?


    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    for now yes. had to roll back payments to the version i was using before upgrading.
    Something isn’t right with the current version and

    One thing I noticed the systems emails come from the address i added in GD settings, but the Sender Name is “wordpress” rather the name i entered as Sender Name. Any thoughts on this?


    Post count: 29970

    I’ll pass this post to Stiofan. To make Stiofan’s job easier: this is the remaining issue:

    1. All your GD plugins are up to date, except the payment addon which is the previous version
    2. You only use for payments
    3. If updating the Payments addon to the latest version, there’s no option to enter credit card info.See GIF at

    Please post your WP admin details again for Stiofan, they are not working anymore.


    laurence anthony
    Expired Member
    Post count: 293

    yea, changed it so you wouldn’t affect anything while i was working on it.
    I’ll post details after i move the site, thanks!

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