CPT duplicating as a regular post

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    Lisa Comstock
    Expired Member
    Post count: 15


    I’ve looked for an answer to this, but only found something similar from last year https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/duplicate-post-drafts-6063-for-same-place-cpt/

    In my case the CPTs are working just great, but every time I publish or update a CPT (I’ve made a couple), a new regular old post is created – not as a draft, but as a published post. It has no category assigned, of course.

    I’ve updated all of the plugins – core and ones that I have installed – to no avail.

    Is there something in the CPT setup I’ve overlooked – like a a toggle that lets me turn this off? I can delete these, obviously, but I’m hoping to head it off at the pass…

    Thanks for your help.



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