create near me button which functions like the compass near me option?

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    Scott Harris
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 74

    Is it possible to set up a “near me” search button that functions similarly to the compass icon?

    Currently, when I click on the compass icon, and tick “near me” and then click search, it runs a geo-located search. I like the results, but think that the process has too many steps.

    If I use the near me button widget, a button click redirects to the location/me page.

    I prefer the compass icon behavior, which shows a search results page rather than a location/me page, but would like a one click button option.

    Any way I can set that up?


    Post count: 29970

    The location/me and search result pages without any other search parameters should return the same listings, but indeed on a different on a different type page.
    The search will be limited to one CPT only, the location/me page will have all CPTs.

    You could use another GD > Search widget or shortcode and hide the other search options with CSS.

    Anything else would require a customisation.



    Scott Harris
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 74

    That’s a good idea to isolate the compass icon with CSS. But is it possible to set it up so that it runs a search on click without it first opening up the dialog with the “near me” box and distance slider?


    Post count: 29970

    I doubt that is possible without customisation.
    I’ll get a developer to have a look at your question in case there is a simple solution.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Scott,

    Things you asking is not possible without customization. 🙂


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