CSV Export

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 12

    I would like to export the csv file of all the listings. I found the option of importing a csv and downloading a sample csv but not where to download the actual csv. Can you please tell me from where can i export it.



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    Sorry, GD does not have any option to export data at this moment. I am not getting you, from where u are trying to export the csv and why ?


    Free User
    Post count: 18

    Just wondering – are there any plans to add this feature in the future?


    Free User
    Post count: 11

    I really want to buy this product but really would like the export feature. Is it possible or if not alternative ? In essence I want to be able to present the info on various fields to people more familiar with excel.


    Steve Ashton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 72

    I’ve just found out that I need to export my data in order to know the exact “field” names as I’ve customised the categories and field so much that it bears no resemblence to your example CSV. For example I’ve changed the contact field to Phone and added a new one for Mobile (sic: Cell). Does this mean I now have input fields called geodir_mobile …. or is my Phone field still called geodir_contact ?

    I’m ready to load 740 entries and cannot go back and edit them individually if the fields load in the wrong place.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    You phone field will still be geodir_contact, but you have to add the custom fields you created at the end of the file.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 42

    I was looking at exporting listings from one custom post type to another with the same fields so I can remove the additional custom post type.

    So there is no export options? sorry I am slightly confused with the setting for allowing export if there is no export option :/


    Steve Ashton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 72

    OK Paulo, so are you saying that the “HTML variable name” for each field is what should be used but preceeded with geodir_ eg: see attached image = geodir_phone2


    Steve Ashton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 72

    OK everyone we’ve exported out test data as a CSV via PHP Admin (see attached).

    The big mystery now is that the data does not match the header fields eg:Look at columns ‘V’ onwards. “post_latitude” is the field name for ‘address’. “geodir_timing” is the field name for ‘latitude number’. Everything is out of sync.

    Any ideas as we tried a test IMPORT using the fields names and got the following: “11 out of 11 record(s) could not be inserted due to invalid/blank post type. Only use geodirectory’s post type.”


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    what you are trying to do is conceptually wrong.

    You are exporting the data from the DB and trying to import it back from the CSV file.

    If you wish to import anything from the CSV upload within GD, you must ONLY use the provided Sample file and add data to it in the right format as shown in the example. You can only add custom field usgin geodir_html_variable at the end of it.



    Steve Ashton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 72
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi again Steve,

    the file you sent is different from our sample file and have mixed up fields, some are missing, some that shouldn’t be in it are in it.

    The original file should not be changed. You can only add data below headings keeping exact order.


    Custom fields must be added at the end of the file only after the last IMAGE.

    For example if you have added the CF cusine and features after the 5 images headings you would add:


    and below the new column headings, the corresponding data for each listing.

    I’m not 100% sure, but I think that it will accept listings without post_content. In any case it is worth a try.

    Hope it is clearer now.



    Steve Ashton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 72

    Hooray !!! It works (apart from one issue which I’ll post as a seperate discussion.)

    It wasn’t clear that you have to keep ALL the original field names in the same order and then add the new ones afterwards before importing. We were treating it as a CRM where it would automatically identify the fields and content regardless of order.

    Thanks Paulo.


    Chris M
    Free User
    Post count: 18

    These support threads are very poorly done in most of these, so, it never says, how do you export to csv, for example, backing up JUST your listings for later re-importing.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Chris,

    it doesn’t say, because it’s an option provided by the plugin.

    He’s exporting via phpmyadmin.


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