CSV Export appearantly does not really work

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  terrencehill 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #41244

    Post count: 26

    Hello all!

    Unfortunately I seem to encounter a problem when using the EXPORT function. No matter what kind of CPT i export, when I open the exported CSV-file and try to process it via EXCEL the columns start off correctly but then everything ends up in chaos. data is in the wrong columns etc….
    I also encountered the issue using the freeware “CSV VIEWER”.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, it is probably due to a wrong character used as delimiter, please use COMMA.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Make sure to only use Open Office or Libre Office.

    This are the only 2 CSV editing softwares that we know for sure it will work and that we support.

    If using one of the 2 still doesn’t work, provide url and admin credentials for the website and we will have a look at your issue.



    Post count: 26

    Wow, its really just LIBRE and OPEN office that is compatible! I downloaded Libre and now it works thx! I was aware that it wont work with Excel, so i tried a freeware called CSV Viewer…but that didnt help at all. So its really only LIBRE and OPEN office compatible….Thanks!

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