CSV Import not working
This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Paolo 8 years, 11 months ago.
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March 29, 2016 at 9:39 pm #153768
Hello there, beautiful solution so far but I am getting mad on trying to simply import my places. I am getting for 3 days already the same notification:
Total 2 item(s) found.
2 / 2 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).
2 / 2 item(s) could not be added due to blank title/invalid post type.Before I imported the lines shown below, I exported my manually created places from the system and used that as my template.
now, I have already found several topics in this forum saying that there is a problem with open office so I switched to note++ to edit this csv-file, but still no progress. I have checked my categories, my tags, the lat and long as well and everything should fit to what is expected by your import script.
This notification should definitely include more details about the reason why the import fails, e.g. the exact field that caused the exception. Also you should provide for each field the necessary aspects important to know in your documentation.
But to get back to my concrete proplem – my latest tests lines were:
post_id;post_title;post_author;post_content;post_category;default_category;post_tags;post_type;post_status;is_featured;package_id;expire_date;geodir_video;post_address;post_city;post_region;post_country;post_zip;post_latitude;post_longitude;geodir_timing;geodir_contact;geodir_email;geodir_website;geodir_twitter;geodir_facebook;geodir_video;geodir_special_offers;geodir_logo;geodir_paedagogik;geodir_kosten;geodir_gruendungsjahr;geodir_schueleranzahl;geodir_abschluesse;geodir_musik;geodir_kunst;geodir_kultur;geodir_sport;geodir_freizeit_weitere;geodir_betreuungszeiten;geodir_foerderangebote;geodir_fremdsprachen;geodir_unterrichtssprachen;geodir_schultyp;IMAGE;IMAGE;IMAGE;IMAGE;IMAGE ;Kindertagesstätte Musikus Leipzig;;;Kindergärten,Regelpädagogik;Privatschulen;;gd_place;publish;;1;Never;;Salomonstraße 10 ;Leipzig;Sachsen;Deutschland;04103;51.339675;12.389449;;0341 3939-640;[email protected];www.rahndittrich.de/kita-lpz;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Kindertagesstätte Tarsius Leipzig;851;;Kindergärten,Regelpädagogik;Privatschulen;;gd_place;publish;;1;Never;;Inselstraße 7 ;Leipzig;Sachsen;Deutschland;04103;51.339507;12.390876;;0341 3939-169;[email protected];www.rahndittrich.de/kita-lpz-tarsius;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
March 29, 2016 at 9:43 pm #153774This reply has been marked as private.March 30, 2016 at 2:10 am #153904From what I can see, the file is semi-colon delimited, not comma delimited.
Open office should be right to use.
https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-export/#importantAttach your CSV file so we can check the file.
March 30, 2016 at 8:22 am #154180attached my csv-file – I have already replaced all semicolon by commas but nothing changed.
March 30, 2016 at 3:40 pm #154551Hi,
the file is incorrectly formatted, some mandatory data is missing and there are plenty of illegal charcters in it (see image attached).
I guess the formatting got wrong when replacing semicolon with commas. That should be done when saving the file with open office. Before saving you check tick edit filter setting and modify data delimiters.
For illegal charcters I believe the problem is collation. Make sure to use UTF8.
Let us know if this helps,
March 30, 2016 at 8:12 pm #154760Hi Paolo & Guust,
I have just created a completely new export and copied my new lines from excel into this new csv-file in open office. That help, the new lines got imported! 🙂
Thanks for your quick help – though my case remains wired.
March 30, 2016 at 8:35 pm #154770“Copying from excel” could bring over extra formatting. That’s why we suggest to use open office or libre office. Excel shouldn’t be used to create or modify CSV files.
Just FYI
Thanks -
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