CSV import post_status = Published no matter what

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #276278

    Post count: 180

    I need to be able to schedule post publishing

    for some reason the CSV import is ignoring post_status and publishing posts rather than scheduling them

    I tried future (per wordpress codex), schedule, scheduled and nothing working (using exported sample CSV and dummy data updated and new place listings)

    please advise, this is critical requirement


    Post count: 29970

    I guess you are talking about GD listings, and not WP posts.
    The only options are draft or published, see https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-export/#other


    Post count: 180

    Hi –

    This is a HUGE issue…

    I’ve got about a million (actually more than that) posts to publish… for SEO and a dozen other reasons I need to spread these out and have about a million (exaggeration) other projects going on so can’t take hours a day to keep track of what CSV’s have been posted.

    not sure what the issue with this is… I saw threads about doing an update over a year ago to allow ‘draft’ — was not following WordPress protocols an oversight or something by design for some reason…?

    what files need to be edited? If I have to I’ll find either another directory or hire someone to modify geodir



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I’m sorry, but we don’t provide an option to schedule posts via CSV import, the only possible options are draft or publish.

    WordPress doesn’t allow to import scheduled post, by default you can only create them from the back end and GD works just the same.

    It’s not just one file that would need to be customized, this would go beyond support.


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