Custom fields not working

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pieter Ravelli 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #69602

    Pieter Ravelli
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Dear support-moderator/Gd-developer,

    1. Understanding the value of user-friendliness we are more than happy to inform you on our first translation batch (Core: English > Dutch). We would like to opt-in on the project in relation to the free-membership offer that Gd-advertises. We would also like to suggest to hold on to Gd´s first release (Gd-core: Dutch) to maintain the quality. Would it be possible to re-establish terms and cut out project in two? We will not make it in one year, staying motivated to get the right spelling, meaning + terms cross-referenced with note/help-writing’s within Gd.

    2. We data-migrate, -mine and role-manage with Gd. Implementing our basic workflow; we want to advice user-role opportunities that we think are useful for other Gd-customers, also (trand). Hiding data for migration purposes would help our general workflow/save a lot of time(slack). How complex must it be to role-depend: CPT > Custom Field –> Set…? We are currently using wpfront-user-role-editor, anticipating on privacy. Data safe wil be imortant later and is pending (@eID).

    3. Pre-testing Gd in general we like to largely appreciate the Gd´s-General User Interface (GUI). Main hick-up’s are created by the Gd-‘s basic set-up order and; we are currently unable to edit CPT’s: custom fields. Is there some-one that can to enable it´s great functionality back to what it was/and restore it the way it should work? The last time we had to reset it all what because we didn´t get settings on price-level (add-on) influenced Google Analytics (core).

    – WP-MultiSite
    – Gd @ main site: > because we are affright that other site (gd-functionality) getting lost and/or stuck;
    – Gd @ pull site: > purpose: traffic;
    – Gd @ push site: > purpose: add-value (membership);
    – Gd @ community: > purpose: added-value’s (sub-community-‘sector’).

    TRIVIA: We are currently unable to drag and drop custom fields within CPT’s.
    GOAL: Sinc data (overflow)
    MAIN QUESTION: What is out best approach in terms of trouble shooting our needs?

    We are open for suggestions to your approach on trouble shooting. We are also willing to share an admin-status for a quick look around. After we generated some traffic, we are looking into your affiliation programme but wet, we have no clue about it’s timing. Hopefully you appreciate a basic set-up for Gd-development access on to our wite? to:
    (*unable to post private?!?)

    For now, the admin-status to the ‘geoinstructie’ profile our site is disabled. Please let me know if Guust ore some-one want to help us out with CPT. We hope that Gd is able to obtain the firtst results (test) on translation NL_nl .po/.mo, also :).

    Pieter Sebastiaan

    Feature Requests:
    – Role Management (bp > users,…, wpfront-user-role-editor or other)
    – Easy API-dashboard


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    Thanks, Team GeoDirectory!


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    Pieter Ravelli
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40
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