Custom Form Fields

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sam 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 26

    I am looking to know if anyone has done it and where to look in regards to adding a new type of form field coded by myself as some of the custom fields available are lacking and my need is quite specific.


    Free User
    Post count: 26

    OK may have solved this myself,

    can anyone confirm that I am in the right places those being:

    and the geodir_custom_available_fields() function in admin_hooks_actions.php


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Yes you are in the right place.

    Let us know how you proceed.



    Free User
    Post count: 26

    Yeah this doesn’t seem easy and the really poor formatting in the source files doesn’t help.

    Fairly sure the custom_field_html.php file is also something I need to edit, I have edited all three of these files now but there still seems to be something missing as the content that should appear doesn’t I will dig a bit more but this plugin is turning into a bit of headache to do any modification on ¬_¬


    Free User
    Post count: 26

    Can someone clarify;

    I shouldn’t have to add anything to the switch used for altering WordPress tables because it has default action in the switch that should set it to varchar?

    Is there something outside the 3 files I have mentioned such as an initial setup of custom fields etc?

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