Custom Post Type

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kai Liu 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Want your professional advise on CPT.

    If we have many business main categories and each has a list of subcategories, my thought is to make main categories same level as PLACE. However, these categories will be listed as one button on admin panel. Imagine over 30 of main categories, admin navigation will be very busy. If I place all main cat under PLACE, then we do not need CPT at all.

    What is the benefits for using CPT then? For directory with just few categories?

    If I put all main cat under PLACE, can each main cat have its own pay listing package, or listing package applies to PLACE (top level) only?




    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    There are benefits related to each addon, really, as Custom Post Types is a ‘core concept’ of the GeoDirectory system. CPTs are mainly about managing complexity. With each CPT you are packaging up the complexity into a manageable chunk. For a site with few categories the use of a single CPT is definitely common, and the answer about whether it is a good fit has to do with whether your site visitors and advertisers are able to get what they expect with one CPT versus multiple.

    Packages can be built around a single category. It is often the case that there is a free and paid category, one for the free package, one for the paid package. The categories are ‘excluded’, so, all the other categories need to be excluded, leaving just the one category to be included.


    Kai Liu
    Expired Member
    Post count: 368

    Thanks alex,

    Then I need to think carefully if I use main as CTP or put everything under PLACES.



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