Custom Post Type Plugin not visible… other questions

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    Free User
    Post count: 47

    Hi there,

    I’ve purchased the Listimia theme and Custom Post Types on top of the CD core plugin. It’s all a bit daunting but I’m getting to grips.

    But after installing everything I cannot see the Custom Post Types plugin options available to me. Plus when I look at your video it looks like I am missing a considerable amount of list items in the left admin sidebar.

    Or am I getting confused with a directory you have created there?

    Basically I’m creating a exhibitor directory for a large jewellery show and I’ve updated the core Geo Directory title to reflect this (changing “Places” to “Exhibitor Directory”).

    I’ve created the form and added all the required fields in the Settings (using the places directory), and I have input a few listings, but I wanted to create some custom post types of my own instead of try edit what’s there. Do I need to actually create an entire new directory to display this?

    I also need some help with a few minor things. I have provided images how I want them to display below to illustrate my queries and if you can assist in telling how to achieve this I’ll be more than delighted.

    I like to use placeholders. But after inputting all the placeholders in the “Exhibitor Directory” Settings, they seem to be invisible or not working at the front end.

    I would also like to change the left aligned labels to labels above the inputs. How do I do this?

    I’d like to split the fields on the page into columns in some instances. Is there an easy way of doing this?

    All this is displayed on the image below.

    I have created a Select dropdown list for the User to select his Country. I tried very hard to incorporate the maps functionality, but no matter where I put the geo location it always said I was in Pennsylvania. So I gave up and decided displaying just the name would be fine. I want to display the text field of “country” (with a map marker icon) below the heading. (See screen 1)

    I cannot edit the shortcode on the detail page to display this, so what do I edit? Can I use the Code Snippets plugin to achieve this? I’m not a master at PHP and I don’t want to mess anything up.

    Hopefully you can help. Big looming deadline approaching. I’m providing a copy of the system status to show you what’s what. Some template files in the Listimia throw up errors…

    How form is now:

    Sample of Detail page:

    Below how I want it to look like.


    Post count: 29970

    But after installing everything I cannot see the Custom Post Types plugin options available to me. Plus when I look at your video it looks like I am missing a considerable amount of list items in the left admin sidebar.

    I am guessing you are looking at a video for the old version of GD.

    I’ve created the form and added all the required fields in the Settings (using the places directory), and I have input a few listings, but I wanted to create some custom post types of my own instead of try edit what’s there. Do I need to actually create an entire new directory to display this?

    To create additional Custom Post Types, go to GD > Settings > Post Types tab.

    I like to use placeholders. But after inputting all the placeholders in the “Exhibitor Directory” Settings, they seem to be invisible or not working at the front end.

    If you post full details of the custom field in question, and your URL and WP admin details in a private reply, then we will check that out for you.

    I would also like to change the left aligned labels to labels above the inputs. How do I do this?

    You will need to add your own CSS styling:

    I’d like to split the fields on the page into columns in some instances. Is there an easy way of doing this?

    You should be able to achieve that with CSS too.

    I have created a Select dropdown list for the User to select his Country. I tried very hard to incorporate the maps functionality, but no matter where I put the geo location it always said I was in Pennsylvania. So I gave up and decided displaying just the name would be fine. I want to display the text field of “country” (with a map marker icon) below the heading. (See screen 1)

    You will need the Location Manager addon for multiple locations.

    How form is now:

    You need to change your WP permalink settings to Post Name.



    Free User
    Post count: 47

    AWESOME! Thank you!! I’m doing a total new install on a new domain and organising my sites a bit better.

    1 Question.
    If I want to change a single licence domain name, do I just deactivate it on one site and activate it on another?

    Can I just upgrade the extra 10 USD to get 3-5 sites on the Custom Post Types …as that will be easier. I’ve already purchased the Location Addon (3-5 sites), so a nice little coupon discount code would be appreciated for the upgrade on the Custom Post Types addon. 😉

    Thanks again for the super speedy reply. Very impressed.


    Free User
    Post count: 47

    I found the licence area so scratch last question. Very easy to swap sites.


    Free User
    Post count: 47
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Free User
    Post count: 47

    Also see screenshot below. How do I remove the Near me search bar reference?


    Post count: 29970

    1) Only display a “Select your Country” Dropdown menu on backend and frontend forms (no address, no region, no city) where the User just selects that field. Do I need to add them on the Locations >> Countries page where USA is listed at the moment? how do I do this? Or will it automatically include them each time a User creates a Listing?

    If you want to use the Locations for listings, they will need an address, city, region and country.
    Maps cannot work without those details.
    If you only want listings per country, you can create a SELECT custom field if you like.

    2) How do I then display this Country

    If you use a custom field, you can add the output of that field using the gd_post_meta shortcode.

    a) Details Page below the heading with the icon to the left

    Add the shortcode to the Details page template:
    GD > Settings > Pages > Detail page

    3) How do I remove the Places Directory. I have created the Exhibitor one and I dont need the Places one anymore?

    You can rename the default Places Custom Post Type but you cannot remove it.
    If you delete all places and categories, it will not show up anywhere.

    4) I have created a new listing but I get a 404 …
    What have i done wrong?

    Nothing done wrong … I can see it correctly … ?
    5) I keep on getting errors on the Google maps. I’ve linked it to a paid account so I’m not sure what’s up. Can you advise?
    You have selected to “Disable physical location?” so you cannot use maps for the only remaining Custom Post Type.

    Why do I see all the predefined fields on the new Exhibitor CPT I have created? I would of thought that would of been empty. So I can create my own predefined ones?

    Because those are default ones. If you don’t want to use them, set them too in-active.

    On this page:
    the video is very confusing as it’s not the same interface as the Locations Manager. Also the plugin name is different. Perhaps you should update this in line with the Geo VS2 as I can’t make head nor tail of this.

    That is the video for the previous version. We are working our way through all the previous version and are updating things as we are checking everything out now that the new version is fully operational.

    How do I remove the Near me search bar reference?

    I can see that you have now removed it, because you turned of the physical location option.


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