Hi, periwinkle
you can use the below filter to add an additional link based on the CPT type.
I have included that link for gd_place CPT, you can use other cpt there.
add_filter('geodir_email_content','geodir_email_user_publish_post_body_callbackk', 10, 3 );
function geodir_email_user_publish_post_body_callbackk( $content, $email_name, $email_vars ){
$gd_post = ! empty( $email_vars['post'] ) ? $email_vars['post'] : null;
if ( empty( $gd_post ) && ! empty( $email_vars['post_id'] ) ) {
$gd_post = geodir_get_post_info( $email_vars['post_id'] );
if( 'gd_place' === $gd_post->post_type ){ // make sure to change the post type gd_place to your own cpt.
$content = $content.'Extra link';
return $body;
It’s a customization request so for any further customization you can take the help of our GD experts.