Customizing Search by Category

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 14

    Hi, I’m new with the plugin and it’s great! everything works fine and fast.

    Questions before I get started: I need a custom search for each categories… I have places but if I begin the search from Different Sections I need to see only few custom fields in first search.
    I.E.: Weddings -> I need people qty, place type, near.
    Business Event -> I need people qty.

    And the search result listing I need have to have sidebar with extra filters from the custom fields…

    Al listings are places. All places have the option to fill or not different customs fields.
    IE: We have a hotel and people can celebrate weddings or business events there.

    Shortcodes? Widgets? Filters? Hooks? Develop? Examples? Links? where can I begin?

    Thank you!


    Post count: 29970

    Please review to get you started.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 14

    Hi, It’s done, and we already did a customization. But… maybe i’m missing something… How can I get with this a diferente group of custom field to filter in each place category? That’s what I need.
    We have a page with a big custom search and CSS trick to hide unnecessary custom fields…but I think we need a code customization to show search in different ways because hiding is not enough.


    Post count: 29970

    Custom fields belong to a Custom Post Type, not to a category, so that will not work out of the box.
    If all listings can fill the custom fields, then why do you not want them to be searched for some categories. Maybe you have to re-think a bit and create Custom Post Types?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 14

    Hi!; yes we already think about it and this is the model we need… Your plugins was the best of all we test.

    We can NOT use custom post type.
    Places will NOT fill ALL custom fields ALL the time; i.e.: A few custom fields for a Hotel. A few custom field for a restaurant -> Stars. for hotels / Open hours for restaurants.

    We will have standar main search in home page.
    We will need different search fields for different categories -> or special search form for specific pages.
    All places have to be listed together.
    We will need in each type of Search results (depending one search form used) different result template. We will need ajax filter for results.

    PD: I know this can be achieved with extra developing listing page / search result page + Ajax filter.
    Question is: Will you recommend something different? Other plugins capabilities? because we have only a little snapshot of your plugin and it is wider that we thought.

    Thank you!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    we really don’t, the only solution will be code customization.


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