Dashboard, nothing found places

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  giuseppe cuttone 10 years ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    When user search treir places using the option “DASHBOARD”, and write the first letters in the field MY LISTING, field show “sorry, nothing found”.
    Is it an error?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, that field is used to search the Post Types, So if you look for “Places” among a lot of custom types, you just type the first letter of Places and then you select it.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    hi Simone

    1. With an user test, I have created two places (“SIN SOCIAL INVIT ECO” and “TEST”)
    If I go in “http://soysostenible.website/ver-mapa/” => “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” and enter “s” or “sin” or “sin Social” , field show “sorry, nothing found”. But field should show the place “”SIN SOCIAL INVIT ECO”.
    Is it an error?
    If enter “t” or “test” field show “sorry, nothing found”. But field should show the place “TEST”.
    Is it an error?

    2. If I go in “http://soysostenible.website/ver-mapa/” => “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” and clic in “PLACES”, I am redirected to the page “ALL PLACES”. This page show all places that each user has created. This page has the follow URL: http://soysostenible.website/author/eco_sostenible/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place
    In this URL there is the “user name” “eco_sostenible” so this is a “personal link”. The question is the follow:
    Is there an “general link” (without “user name”) in order to redirect each user at the page “ALL PLACES”?
    Or is there a widget in order to show “all places that each user has created”?
    I don’t know if you understand me…
    I only want to create, in my “MAIN MENÚ”, a new button “MANAGE YOUR PLACE”, so when user clic in the button it will be redirected at the page “ALL PLACES” where will be shown all places that each user has created.

    Thank’s for your support


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hi Giuseppe:
    1- this is not working as you are thinking, the field is searching for the name of the Post type, so for example in your case it will show “Places” if you start with searching with “P”.

    2- To see all the places, you can go to http://soysostenible.website/places/


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Simone

    1: Ok, I think I have understand. But I am not sure…
    I want buy the event addon, so I have two questions:
    1.1 If I buy “event addon”, in “MY DASHBOARD” => “MY LISTING” there will be two options? PLACES and EVENTS? It is so?
    1.2 If I don’t buy event addon, can I create a new POST TYPE?

    2 I don’t need go to http://soysostenible.website/places/
    I need go to:
    or, when I will buy buddypress addon, at the following page:
    Where eco_sostenible, for a generic user, will be => USERNAME

    So, my question is:
    There is a why in order to create, in my “MAIN MENÚ”, a new button “MANAGE YOUR PLACE”, so when user clic in the button it will be redirected at the page:

    or, when I will buy buddypress addon, at the following page:

    Thank’s for your support

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