Design suggestion

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 125

    Ok, I am using GD v2 for almost 4 months now and I love it’s functionality, speed, support. I believe there is no other directory plugins / themes which could compete with you in terms of speed and functionality.

    But there is 1 serious problem about GD v2 – it’s DESIGN. Your team allways says that GD v2 is very universal and it can be used with any theme. But there is nowhere mentioned that there is no point of using any theme – with any theme GD v2 widgets will look the same. Now I understand that and I chosen fastest theme possible and will deal with GD design via css. But for new users it’s really confusing. I changed tons of themes before I understood there is no point of switching themes.

    And let’s admit it – GD widgets looks terrible. Look at picture I attached. I am using default GD’s widgets. Do you think website like this is ready to go live? I don’t think so. After i’ll finish setting up CPT’s, categories and so on, I will be forced to hire a freelancer to deal with CSS to make my site not so ugly. That makes your plugin most expensive directory solution ever. That should be clearly stated before user purchases plugin.

    Believe me – lot of GD users thinks the same way. After they buy GD membership, they realises that they need to hire someone to make a site aesthetically pleasant.

    My suggestion would be to add design options ( for example 3 different looks ) for every widget or at least to write an article about design of main ascpects of directory site like most recent listings widget, Categories Widget, Archive page, Listing Details page. And not about HOW TO change design but ACTUAL nice looking examples which can be copied and pasted into WP Customizer by regular users who can’t write their own CSS code. Ofcourse you can’t make a design which will fit everyone’s needs, but you really need at least one or two good looking designs so users could launch their projects without a help of CSS guru.

    Maybe your end customer is a web developer and you don’t even want to sell your plugin for non-dev persons like me but otherwise you should do something about design of GD V2. And not “soon”, but NOW.

    It’s just my opinion after 4 months of being your customer, please don’t take offence.

    P.S. Look at a second picture I attached. It’s archive page from other WP directory devs and GD archive page. Both archive pages is available out of the box. How do you think, which of these 2 options would choose new user who is looking for a WP directory solution? Keep in mind that new user don’t know yet that nice looking theme is full of bugs and is coded by 10 years old schoolboy.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi and thanks for your feedback.

    Let me answer to all points you raised.

    1 unless the theme provides a custom design for our templates, our plugin will look the same with any theme and that’s a good thing. The same goes for any plugin. They come with a vanilla design that blends with any theme. If theme developers wouldn’t add their own custom templates and css for WooCommerce, it would look the same with any theme as well. The difference between customizing GDv2 and Woo is that for the 1st you don’t need a developer, however that doesn’t mean anyone can do it. If you can’t imagine a nice design GDv2 will not auto-design itself.

    2 providing few designs to use out of the box for non designers / non developers is something we are working on.

    3 If you want to see more themes with GD custom designs, you should ask to your favorite theme developers to create a design for GD, making him understand that there are many GD users that would probably buy it, cause there is a desperate need for nice GD templates made by designers.

    4 Making GD mimic the design you provided doesn’t really require a CSS wizard. Probably you can replicate that with Elementor or Beaver Buidler or Site Origin Page builder too.


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