I have got lot of help already making a post detail page look normal and professional, because it does not do that automatically. You have gave me codes, which have solved many problems.
Still I am facing some design issues, which make my whole site look too unprofessional, because WpGeodirectory is in high role in my service.
The detail page information is put in the narrow box to the left even I have changed (or actually you have changed) the detail page template full page, no any sidebars. It looks really wird always but specially in mobile devices, because there are plenty of space but all the info is in the left side and words are cut from the middle, because the box, where the content is so narrow. You can check it yourself from page:
Please open it with desktop and mobile phone (mobile usage is the most usual way to use web services in Finland) you see what I mean.
You have made a great and versatile plugin, but the page layout design and design customization by userseems to be your weakness. Please help me out also from this issue. I am using Kleo-theme, which should be configured with your plugin.