Details Sidebar Company address

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 43

    On the listings details page, I have the company address in the sidebar, but I need to change the structure format. Currently the address is stacked and I need to format it correctly for the US:

    <div class="geodir_more_info   post" style="clear:both;" itemscope="" itemtype=""><span class="geodir-i-location" style=""><i class="fa fa-home"></i>Physical Address of Program: </span><span itemprop="streetAddress">174 Patterson Avenue</span><br><span itemprop="addressLocality">Shrewsbury</span><br><span itemprop="addressRegion">New Jersey</span><br><span itemprop="postalCode">07702</span><br><span itemprop="addressCountry">United States</span><br></div>

    I have searched through all the files, but cannot find where this formatting layout is created.

    Can you please point me to the correct file. Thanks


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