Thanks. Unfortunately, this is probably way beyond my understanding. The “Claim Me” code here is, I think, far more complicated, rolling in the author image, if/then/else tests based on whether it is in fact claimed already.
That aside though, just testing out the general notion, I swapped out in the header-single-top.php file the following:
if ( ! $author_link && function_exists( 'geodir_claim_show_claim_link' ) && geodir_claim_show_claim_link( $gd_post->ID ) ) {
$author_name = __( 'Claim Me', 'supreme-directory' );
$author_link = do_shortcode( '[gd_claim_post text="Claim Me" output="button"]' );
$author_image = '
With this:
if ( ! $author_link && function_exists( 'geodir_claim_show_claim_link' ) && geodir_claim_show_claim_link( $gd_post->ID ) ) {
$author_name = __( 'Claim Me', 'supreme-directory' );
$author_link = do_shortcode( '[ninja_form id=4 text="Claim Me" output="button"]' );
$author_image = '
In general, this did work, but rather than a button, it displayed the entire form, so I can only assume that the original function actually accounts for the button and the form overlay itself.
Other thoughts?