Got a few questions regarding the preview message.
for info, I am using the translation file to customise the message, but the queries below have come about as I can’t see how I can tailor the default message to accommodate discounts, free trials (that have different length to the packages’ period) and recurring payments
1) Is it possible to show the discounted price (i.e. only when using a coupon) AND the package price?
2) On the translation file the values are in a set order (price, days, package), populated by “%s”. How would I go about changing the order (i.e. so that I can show the package name before the number of days)?
3) Is it possible to remove one of these values (e.g. not show number of days)? If I remove a %s value in the translation file it causes a format error.
4) I may not have free trials on all packages. Is it possible to show certain text in the preview only for packages with a trial period?
Hope these queries make sense!