Display issues on single listing

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  John Overend 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    I’ve tried to ask this before and was told it was a Genesis issue. But I’m pretty sure it’s not so I’ll try again.

    We use Jetpack’s related posts on the news part of the site to deliver related articles at the end of each news story, and it does drive traffic round the site so we’re loathe to get rid of it.

    There is code available to exclude the related posts from showing on any CPT, but it doesn’t seem to work for GD. So we thought we’d see what effect switching off related posts had on page views, but doing so wrecked all the single listings on GD.

    It seems as if GD had a ‘snapshot’ of what to expect when it rendered a listing page, and the absence of the related listing threw all the footer up in to the middle of the listing. So we turned it back on.
    We also see an additional ‘Title’ for related articles rendering on GD listings at the foot.

    Oddly, this only happens on the profile tab, and related articles don’t appear if you view any of the other tabs, although the extra ‘related articles’ title does.

    You can see this on any of the single listings, for example https://www.carsuk.net/places/united-kingdom/kent/east-peckham/car-service-repair/rcv-land-rover-specialists/.

    We’ve tried all we can to resolve this, and have ensured WP Rocket is off and cleared when attempting to change it. But to no avail.

    So if you have any ideas…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    In your previous topic you said you tried to remove the display on the GD CPT but that the fixes here did not work?


    Can you share what you used?


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    Hi Alex

    Thanks for looking at this.

    As the code didn’t work I didn’t save it, but I’m almost certain it was based on what I found at https://wpteardown.com/remove-jetpacks-related-post-custom-post-types-cpt/.

    As I said, although I didn’t expect the related posts to show on a CPT they did, but the code didn’t work and turning off related post altogether screwed the layout.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Have you tried the recommendation from JP?
    They say here to remove the automatic display after post_content from all post types, then add it back to the ones you want so you can control it.


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103

    We tried all sorts of variations but without success. But, apart from finding a solution that does work, the problem is that it affects the listings pages even if it’s removed altogether, so even if we find a way that works to exclude it from the GD side of the site we will have unreadable single listings.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    So, if you just turn it off, then there is also a problem?

    Please share the site info again and a sample page so the developers can check on it.


    John Overend
    Full Member
    Post count: 103
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