I tried to use GD Categories in my homepage (http://www.pearlpages.com/) to show the Categories and Sub Categories with the place count. So I used it with my current requirement of level 2 depth (parent level and 1 child level) but later I may need to go another level deeper.
Technically it is working fine but it is giving a professional appearance only when Sub-category level is zero. Once we use with Sub-categories it loses it shape as different categories having different sub-category lengths.
With this issue i think every Admin would like to see following options which might give them more control over “GD Categories”
1 . I could’t find any option to arrange all the categories in a single array (may sort according to no of places or A-Z) without considering the level of the category.
2. A method to display top level categories and maximum of 5 (say) numbers of its sub-categories.
3. A method to display categories as a Picture array, giving more priority to pictures (eg. https://www.yelp.com/)
4. A method to get total place count of parent category as the total of its own places plus it’s sub-categories total (I think it should be the correct count)
5. A method to display only selected categories and sub-categories
If these options are manageable with current version, please let me know