Display user listing on page not post with shortcode.

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  • #338168

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46


    This was brought up in another thread and resolved although I’m unable to replicate the results. I have created a folder called bp-custom in wp-plugins and created a file called bp-custom.php which contains this code:

    <?php global $current_user;
    echo do_shortcode( ‘[gd_listings post_author=”‘.$current_user->ID.'”]’)

    I am using shortcode on members home pages to show their own listings and listing types.
    Here is an example of that shortcode:
    [gd_listings post_type=”gd_solar_installer” layout=4 post_number=”4″ list_sort=”high_review” post_author=”‘.$current_user->ID.'”]

    I have also tried “post_author=”current”” to no avail.

    Can you please instruct me on how to get this to work?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Tom,

    Please share WP temp admin access to your site so we can take a better look. You can post the details here using the private reply option below.



    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    that’s powerlily.io. Also, I seem to have lost the sidebars in my gd_home (hub page) and gd_listings pages.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    why not using the Buddypress integration that does all that?

    Let us know,



    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    I have buddypress integration setup, but the problem is that I have two membership types using PMPRO. This means that I have buyers and sellers and it’s set up so that they can post different cpt’s in the directory. If I set it to show business listings it would seem strange that buyers would have the option to view their business own listings. I set up home pages that are meant to be back end dashboards where the user can view and post the listings specific to their membership type.


    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Anything I can do to sort this out or should I try something else instead?


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Tom,

    You have lost the sidebars in my gd_home (hub page) and gd_listings pages.
    – You have disabled sidebars on homepage & and set content to full page width via settings at GeoDirectory -> Design -> Home
    – You have added custom css script to hide right sidebar at GeoDirectory -> Design -> Scripts

    For the shortcode problem, we need FTP details to look into more.


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