
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #406863

    Expired Member
    Post count: 540

    There is some possibility of putting a name in front of (see photo). If I say it’s a train station called “Santa Eugenia”. I put the name. Some help?


    Distance to custom field

    // agrega el campo personalizado a la lista de campos personalizados
    función geodir_custom_field_distance_to ( $ custom_fields , $ post_type ) {
    $ custom_fields [ ‘ distance_to ‘ ] = array ( // El valor de la clave debe ser único y no contener espacios.
    ‘ field_type ‘ => ‘ text ‘ , //
    ‘ clase ‘ => ‘ gd-distance-to ‘ ,
    ‘ icono ‘ => ‘ fa fa-map-marcador ‘ ,
    ‘ name ‘ => __ ( ‘ Distance To ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ ),
    ‘ description ‘ => __ ( ‘ Agrega una entrada para coordenadas de GPS que luego generará la distancia de lugar a ese punto. ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ ),
    ‘ defaults ‘ => array (
    ‘ data_type ‘ => ‘ VARCHAR ‘ ,
    ‘ admin_title ‘ => ‘ Distancia a ‘ ,
    ‘ site_title ‘ => ‘ Distancia a ‘ ,
    ‘ admin_desc ‘ => ‘ Ingrese las coordenadas de GPS como

    53.347302, -6.258953

    ‘ ,
    ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ => ‘ distanceto ‘ ,
    ‘ is_active ‘ => true ,
    ‘ for_admin_use ‘ => falso ,
    ‘ default_value ‘ => ‘ ‘ ,
    ‘ show_in ‘ => ‘ [detalle], [listado] ‘ ,
    ‘ is_required ‘ => falso ,
    ‘ validation_pattern ‘ => ‘ (-? \ d {1,3} \. \ d +), (-? \ d {1,3} \. \ d +) ‘ ,
    ‘ validation_msg ‘ => ‘ Por favor ingrese coordenadas GPS válidas. ‘ ,
    ‘ required_msg ‘ => ‘ ‘ ,
    ‘ field_icon ‘ => ‘ fa fa-map-marker ‘ ,
    ‘ css_class ‘ => ‘ ‘ ,
    ‘ cat_sort ‘ => falso
    devuelve $ custom_fields ;
    // ‘geodir_custom_fields_custom’ se agregará al cuadro de campos personalizados, ‘geodir_custom_fields_predefined’ se agregará a la caja predefinida
    add_filter ( ‘ geodir_custom_fields_custom ‘ , ‘ geodir_custom_field_distance_to ‘ , 10 , 2 );
    // crea el resultado para el campo personalizado
    función geodir_custom_field_output_distance_to ( $ html , $ location , $ cf ) {
    global $ post ;
    if ( isset ( $ post -> { $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ]}) && $ post -> { $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ]} ! = ‘ ‘ ):
    $ html_var = $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ];
    $ start_arr = explode ( ‘ , ‘ , $ post -> { $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ]});
    $ startPoint = array ( ‘ latitude ‘ => trim ( $ start_arr [ 0 ]), ‘ longitude ‘ => trim ( $ start_arr [ 1 ]));
    $ endLat = $ post -> post_latitude ;
    $ endLon = $ post -> post_longitude ;
    $ endPoint = array ( ‘ latitud ‘ => $ endLat , ‘ longitud ‘ => $ endLon );
    $ uom = get_option ( ‘ geodir_search_dist_1 ‘ );
    $ distance = geodir_calculateDistanceFromLatLong ( $ startPoint , $ endPoint , $ uom );
    if ( round ( $ distance , 2 ) == 0 ) {
    $ uom = get_option ( ‘ geodir_search_dist_2 ‘ );
    $ distance = geodir_calculateDistanceFromLatLong ( $ startPoint , $ endPoint , $ uom );
    if ( $ uom == ‘ pies ‘ ) {
    $ uom = __ ( ‘ pies ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ );
    } else {
    $ uom = __ ( ‘ metros ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ );
    $ distancia = ronda ( $ distancia ) . ‘ ‘ . $ uom ;
    } else {
    if ( $ uom == ‘ millas ‘ ) {
    $ uom = __ ( ‘ millas ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ );
    } else {
    $ uom = __ ( ‘ km ‘ , ‘ geodirectory ‘ );
    $ distancia = ronda ( $ distancia , 2 ) . ‘ ‘ . $ uom ;
    $ class = ( $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ] == ‘ geodir_timing ‘ )? ” geodir-i-time ” : ” geodir-i-text ” ;
    $ field_icon = geodir_field_icon_proccess ( $ cf );
    if ( strpos ( $ field_icon , ‘ http ‘ ) ! == falso ) {
    $ field_icon_af = ‘ ‘ ;
    } elseif ( $ field_icon == ‘ ‘ ) {
    $ field_icon_af = ( $ cf [ ‘ htmlvar_name ‘ ] == ‘ geodir_timing ‘ )? ‘ <i class = “fa fa-reloj-o”> </ i> ‘ : ” ” ;
    } else {
    $ field_icon_af = $ field_icon ;
    $ field_icon = ‘ ‘ ;
    $ html = ‘ <div class = “geodir_more_info ‘ . $ cf [ ‘ css_class ‘ ] . ‘ ‘ . $ html_var . ‘ ” style = “clear: both;”> <span class = “geodir-i-taxonomy geodir-i -category “style =” ‘ . $ field_icon . ‘ “> ‘ . $ field_icon_af ;
    $ html . = ( trim ( $ cf [ ‘ site_title ‘ ]))? __ ( $ cf [ ‘ site_title ‘ ], ‘ geodirectory ‘ ) . ‘ : ‘ : ‘ ‘ ;
    $ html . = ‘ </ span> ‘ . $ distancia . ‘ </ div> ‘ ;
    endif ;
    devolver $ html ;
    add_filter ( ‘ geodir_custom_field_output_key_key_distance_to ‘ , ‘ geodir_custom_field_output_distance_to ‘ , 10 , 3 );


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Per this article, you can create a different field for “Distance to Airport” or “Distance to Train Station”. The demo field is recommended for use in a single city or region where all the locations would be shown with a “Distance to” a single airport or train station, and you would set the same value for the LatLon for each listing.


    To change it to “Distance to Train Station” adjust line 9

    			'site_title'          =>  'Distance to train station',

    This code in the article is provided as an example.

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