Do_Action Request

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jeff 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8157

    Post count: 188

    In geodirectory-templates/listing-listview.php there are a few great “do_action” points, which made my life easier. Thank you!

    There is one which would be helpful, between line 122 and 165 you do the PinPoint feature and Admin links (Edit/update etc). It would be great to see an action added in there to allow a plugin to add something below Favorite (ideally, that whole list should somehow be filterable).

    You’ve got geodir_after_listing_post_listview at the end of it all, but nothing in the middle.

    I stand corrected. There is a goedir_after_edit_post_link_on_listing but it’s inside of a post author check, so it’s not helpful.

    Any thoughts?


    Post count: 188

    Can I bump this up? Never saw a response for it.

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