Does WP-GD play nice with Buddypress?

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    I’ve been looking at incorporating a community on my website. Wanted to know if anyone had any experience using WP-GD with BuddyPress. I turned it on to look at it and appears that the sign up from either wp-gd or buddypress lets users have access to both. Any thoughts before i crash the website?…lol


    Post count: 29970

    Works fine together, you just need to redirect your login page.
    look in the docs tips and tricks section for redirecting your login page.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    I want to turn this on now. What I do notice, is not only is it a good idea that the login page be redirected so user goes to same login no matter what. The registration page should probably be redirected as well.

    What happens is the following. In the GD registration it asks for 1 area for Real Name, and people feel comfortable entering their real name b/c it is only seen by system.

    For Buddypress registration, You provide a Username and a Real Name(can be edited/shown to community). The User name can not be changed.

    This will likely cause some confusion based on the way people sign up.

    Please Please, I would need help to do this if I am going to turn it on this week. I read the documentation instructions and looked at doing it myself. But I fear that I will put in wrong folder and muck everything up. Its a holiday today, and my normal programmer wont be able to see this for a week because of the long weekend etc.

    Could you please help me to add 2 redirects, the login redirect and the registration page set as the buddypress registration page.


    Post count: 29970

    Just follow this, that’s all you got to do:

    That will redirect registration etc.
    Basically, you by-pass GD and use BuddyPress, so you have to use their settings, and get help from them for Buddypress features.

    But really, all you got to do is adding that code to your functions.php and and add the Buddypress login widgets and links and off you go.

    Bear in mind that Buddypress is not a forum plugin, you’ll need bbpress for that.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Yes , the first step i hit a snag. When I look in my themes folder, looks like there is no file listed for the GD Avada Child theme I am using. Based on the instructions I should start by looking in that file, right? Where is it? What is it called?


    Buddypress is the best thing for me to use right now. A forum would be too hard to get active users starting out. The Buddypress is PERFECT for using in conjunction with a classified. Users can message eachother in Buddypress regarding classified ads. Possible for users to message store listing owners about their store more effectively within system, which gives everyone a reason to come back. + pageviews is good thing. If i get users usings buddypress i can easily turn on bbpress


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Hold on, i was looking in the top file called wpgeo, ive got so many files top files for this site, dont even know which is which now.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Ok, looks like that did it.

    srry & thx


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319


    I am using the login widget for gd. How do i redirect the Register now button on the gd login widget to

    ps im going to upgrade hosting server next week…woohoo!


    Post count: 29970

    You need to use the BuddyPress login widgets and links.


    Post count: 29970

    If you use the BuddyPress login widget, add the GD Login widget just below the BuddyPress widget.

    Add this to your CSS:
    .sidebar .geodir-loginbox-list li a.signin {display:none;}
    .loginform1 .geodir_form_row {display: none;}

    Optional to hide the heading of the GD login widget:
    .geodir_loginbox h3 {display: none;}

    Optional to hide the GD logout link:
    .geodir-loginbox-list li:first-child {display: none;}

    The result is that you get all your links to the favorites, listings etc, in the author page (GD dashboard).

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