Download All Addons In One Zip File

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jonathan 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello GeoDirectory Team:

    Thank you for your time in reading this request.

    It is very time consumptive to download all of the folders one by one and then unzip each one. I would like to request/suggest that for the members if you could please add an additional option in our downloads for all Extensions and then I suppose one for All Themes (not useful for me but some people may want to try different themes). At minimum, the extensions would be lovely. This is especially helpful as I can not load the extensions by clicking on the extensions in the WordPress Extensions section for WPGeoDirectory as some other plugins facilitate.

    I am sure it would make new users much happier to get over the tedious nature of download, unzip, upload (most users do it this way versus extra on server itself). Even for experienced users it would be nice to just have to manage one file and then erase extensions we do not use (I use most of the plugins so easier to delete a couple).

    Thank you again for you time, I appreciate in advance you listening to my feedback.

    Warm Regards,



    Post count: 29970

    Add your membership license at GD > Extensions and you can install all themes and plugins from the extensions page then.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    It only shows Add Membership if you have WPEasyUpdates installed. WPEasyUpdates is not a download available for free on WPGeoDirectory in download section and it should be if it is required to show the Have a membership key? field.

    I personally find it extremely confusing and rather cumbersome.

    My feedback would be that WPEasyUpdates should be installed along with GeoDirectory so that the “Get It” / Activate Features work by default as soon as a key is installed. I presume you do not need WPEasyUpdates to update the core GeoDirectory plugin.

    Warmest Regards,



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Unfortunately this setting is not currently available.

    I have taken this up as a suggestion and will share it with our development team to see whether we can work on this in the near future.

    Please feel free to make a new topic if you need help with anything else.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Thank you to you and Guust for all of your continued help!

    You are welcome! I want the best for GeoDirectory and the team!

    That would be awesome if you could work on that feature. It would reduce complication for sure. Possibly the bugs in the other thread I created may not have been encountered had I had a more direct and seamless path to extension installation versus manually download / upload / activate.

    I now remember downloading WP Easy Updates months and months ago but forgot about it when initially moving forward.

    I literally did not know there was an “easy way” until I already finished the hard way 🙁

    This question is for this thread AND the other I suppose, will the updates not work if I did not install the addons through the extensions page? They show active and are asking for license keys in the default wordpress area.

    Also : Can we please autofeed plugin keys if we enter our main GeoDirectory key (additional suggestion with the suggestion from above 🙂 ) . One Key – quickest install.

    Thank you very much for listening to my feedback and now additional feedback! You guys are amazing!


    Post count: 29970

    You should have had a message all the time to install WP Easy Updates, see image.

    This question is for this thread AND the other I suppose, will the updates not work if I did not install the addons through the extensions page? They show active and are asking for license keys in the default wordpress area.

    Updates will work if you have added a valid license. It does not matter how you installed them, it is the license that is important.
    Installing from the GD Extensions will add the correct license automatically.

    Also : Can we please autofeed plugin keys if we enter our main GeoDirectory key (additional suggestion with the suggestion from above 🙂 ) . One Key – quickest install.

    That is how it works if you first enter your membership license.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Guust & Team:

    Thank you for all of the clarifications.

    I look forward to WP Easy Updates being installed along GeoDirectory or WP Easy Updates being replaced by Core WordPress functionality to prevent this (in my opinion cumbersome) installation process.

    Thank you again.

    Warmest Regards,



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Jonathan,

    WordPress have some funny rules that we have to skirt around, that is the reason we don’t install WPEU when GD is installed.

    We are working on a better way to do things, it should be an option by the end of the month.




    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    I totally understand and thank you for taking my feedback to heart each and every time. You guys are truly one of the best support teams on the WordPress Ecosystem! I appreciate the community you build and inspire!

    I look forward to the better way!

    Warmest Regards,


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