I’m just getting started with GD. I installed the dummy data for places and events and all looks good except that the detailed listings are not showing. Seems to take me to a page not found. Places and Events show up on the map, in the summary popups and in the directory summaries. But when I click on any of the links that would take me to the full listing it goes to an empty page. The same thing happens from the admin area — if I edit a dummy Place the edit page has all the info, but if I click on View it takes me to an empty page.
The permalink seems to be what is expected for the listings. I’m not getting page not found errors, just a blank page. Thoughts on why?
Are these dummy listings supposed to reset their locations around my default location? That’s the way they got set up. The dummy data look like they are supposed to be around Philadelphia but once I imported, they reset their location to be centered on my default location (which puts some of the dummy places in the ocean…). Is that supposed to happen? Might there a problem with permalinks not being pointed to the right pages?