Thanks for looking into this, Alex. Just to make sure that I properly understood:
1. A dedicated preview page (template) setup is no longer required in V2.
2. On the V2 preview page there is no „go back to edit“ button at the top of the preview page anymore (which was really handy and customer experience friendly). They now have to hit the „go back to previous page“ button on their web browser.
3. If customers want to edit their listings, they will not get live feedback via preview in case they add images to the gallery. Only the text edits will show as updated.
I cannot find why the submit button on the add/edit listing page is hidden. Did you hide that?
Strange, I didn’t hide it. (please see attachment) But if I click on the submit button, the images which I added for testing purposes don’t show up on the listing. Same goes for a swopped logo.