Email Notification Shortcodes

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Giri 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Jaz Brooks
    Post count: 3

    Hi there,

    My client is asking for more options of shortcode in the email notifications section – specifically adding City/Country as a lot of the companies in the directory have multiple locations. Is there a way to do this?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    Hi Jaz,

    We have filters in our email function. So you can alter the message via filters.

    For example

    If your client is using


    as shortcode, then you need to add the following code in your client’s functions.php file.

    function geodir_alter_email_message($message) {
        $search_array  = array(
        $replace_array = array(
            "United States"
        $message = str_replace( $search_array, $replace_array, $message );
        return $message;
    add_filter('geodir_sendEmail_message', 'geodir_alter_email_message', 10, 1);

    That would print “United States” always.

    I believe you are talking about the listing city/country.

    In that case use the following code instead of the above code.

    function geodir_alter_email_message($message, $fromEmail, $fromEmailName, $toEmail, $toEmailName, $to_subject, $to_message, $extra, $message_type, $post_id, $user_id ) {
        $post_address = "";
        $post_city = "";
        $post_region = "";
        $post_zip = "";
        $post_country = "";
        if ($post_id) {
            $post = geodir_get_post_info($post_id);
            if($post->post_address) {
                $post_address = $post->post_address;
            if($post->post_city) {
                $post_city = $post->post_city;
            if($post->post_region) {
                $post_region = $post->post_region;
            if($post->post_zip) {
                $post_zip = $post->post_zip;
            if($post->post_country) {
                $post_country = $post->post_country;
        $search_array  = array(
        $replace_array = array(
        $message = str_replace( $search_array, $replace_array, $message );
        return $message;
    add_filter('geodir_sendEmail_message', 'geodir_alter_email_message', 10, 11);

    Let me know how that goes.



    Jaz Brooks
    Post count: 3

    Thanks Giri. Sorry for the lack of reply, I’ve been away. Will be testing this out this week and let you know how it goes.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    No problem Jaz.

    Let me know if you need my help.



    Jaz Brooks
    Post count: 3

    Hey Giri,

    This worked perfectly in all the email notifications except the Post Submitted Successfully Admin BCC one (just shows the shortcodes). Any idea why?

    Thanks very much!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3155

    The filters were not available in admin emails. But we have added support for that last week. In next version of GD, admin mails would work too.


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