Hi Jaz,
We have filters in our email function. So you can alter the message via filters.
For example
If your client is using
as shortcode, then you need to add the following code in your client’s functions.php file.
function geodir_alter_email_message($message) {
$search_array = array(
$replace_array = array(
"United States"
$message = str_replace( $search_array, $replace_array, $message );
return $message;
add_filter('geodir_sendEmail_message', 'geodir_alter_email_message', 10, 1);
That would print “United States” always.
I believe you are talking about the listing city/country.
In that case use the following code instead of the above code.
function geodir_alter_email_message($message, $fromEmail, $fromEmailName, $toEmail, $toEmailName, $to_subject, $to_message, $extra, $message_type, $post_id, $user_id ) {
$post_address = "";
$post_city = "";
$post_region = "";
$post_zip = "";
$post_country = "";
if ($post_id) {
$post = geodir_get_post_info($post_id);
if($post->post_address) {
$post_address = $post->post_address;
if($post->post_city) {
$post_city = $post->post_city;
if($post->post_region) {
$post_region = $post->post_region;
if($post->post_zip) {
$post_zip = $post->post_zip;
if($post->post_country) {
$post_country = $post->post_country;
$search_array = array(
$replace_array = array(
$message = str_replace( $search_array, $replace_array, $message );
return $message;
add_filter('geodir_sendEmail_message', 'geodir_alter_email_message', 10, 11);
Let me know how that goes.