Email template/notifications

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  [email protected] 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Strong Coffee
    Full Member
    Post count: 124

    I want to be able to see the email address from an inquiry. I added [#user_email#] to the template for the email inquiry in the notifications but what is displayed in my email is the actual shortcode instead of the email address.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    I can confirm this is not working, I will put this to the attention of the developers, thanks.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    That shortcode doesn’t work because the person making the enquiry is not always a registered user. Most of the time he’s not, the email is taken from the input field directly.

    For the shortcode to work, the email should be in the database, but it’s not most of the time, cause that’s a contact form that doesn’t save anything in your db.

    The email is present in the reply-to field of the email header so to see it you just need to click reply.

    Let us know,



    BL Interactive
    Expired Member
    Post count: 83

    I would suggest adding the email to the [#comments#] block as well. I have had to address this with too many clients for it not to be considered an oversight.


    BL Interactive
    Expired Member
    Post count: 83

    I had to dig into /geodirectory/geodirectory-functions/custom_functions.php at around line 236


    $client_message .= '<br>' . __('From :', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $yourname . '<br>' . __('Phone :', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $inq_phone . '<br><br>' . __('Sent from', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' - <b><a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></b>.';

    Change to:

    $client_message .= '<br>' . __('From :', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $yourname . '<br>' . __('Phone :', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $inq_phone . '<br>' . __('Email :', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' ' . $youremail . '<br><br>' . __('Sent from', GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN) . ' - <b><a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></b>.';

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Can the developers confirm whether this is OK to implement? I’m having similar trouble with my site ( and really need the ‘Reply to’ email address to show in the [#comments#] section.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    this is ok to change, however will be lost after every update.

    Just FYI…


    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Gotcha, thanks 🙂


    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    Stiofan added something for this to GeoTheme:

    you can add this section
    <p>Sender Email : [#sender_email#]</p>
    just use

    Not sure if this is already in GeoDirectory.


    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 5


    Thanks, but sadly this doesn’t work for me 🙁


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