My friend tried to put the Rating Badge on his WordPress blog sidebar but it only shows “Loading…” (as shown in the attached image).
The following code generated from this Add-on was pasted in the blog sidebar using the Custom HTML Widget:
<div id='GD_widget_embed_1912'>Loading...</div><script async src='https://greenbusinesspages.in/?gd-embed=rating&id=1912&size=narrow&border_color=%23358901&border=5&radius=15&shadow=1&background=%23ffffff&link_color=%23008000&text_color=%23018736'></script>
This code is for small size i.e. 160px. He also tried the wide size 468pxx47px in the sidebar as well as footer section. But it too shows the same “Loading…” text inside the border.
However, the same code is working fine on other websites. Any idea, what can be the problem with this specific website?