Enable Location Option dont run in GD Search Top Section

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I`d like show same listings like advertising in my web in the followings pages:

    infocity.website/lugaresdeinteres (it is a gd_place)
    infocity.website/?geodir_search=1&stype=gd_place&s=+&snear= (it is a search page)

    But I`d like show the listing only if it is in the same city or near the city where my user make its search. For example, if my user is interesting in GIRONA CITY, it is no good to show also places located in MADRID….

    So, I have introduced “GD Popular Post View” in the following widget area:

    1. GD Listing Top Section
    2. GD Search Top Section

    And I have selected “Enable Location Filter” (in order to filter and show listing by location), and also “Show only listings with special offers” (in order to filter and show listing I want to do advertising)

    Now, in the following pages:


    I can see in the “top section” listings located in GIRONA CITY (with “special offer”).
    It is good.

    But in the following page

    the option “Enable Location Filter” dont run, and I can see listings located in GIRONA and listings located in MADRID.
    So, it is no good…

    I think is necessary to modify in “Popular Post View” the option “Enable Location Filter” and change it in “Enable Location/Radio Filter”, in order to let run “Popular Post View” also in the “Search Page”. (You can use the radio that the administrator has introduced in GeoDirectory=>General=>Search).
    I want buy “Search addon” but I`d like that the “Popular Post View” also runs in “Search Page”.

    Are you working in that?
    Let my know


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    the second link is Near Girona, but no location is selected, so the location filter can’t work.

    If you add the location switcher to be able to set the location before searching or you enable the advance search autocompleter, it will be possible to do it.

    Let us know if this helps.


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