Error message before using the main search

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #42409

    Post count: 26

    Dear Team,

    since the newest release I have a big issue with the search function in relation to switching CPT.

    Go to

    1 – Switch the CPT from Bakery (in the dropdown menu of the search bar) to any other CPT.
    2 – Then directly Hit the search button immediately. You have to be pretty fast. Now you get an Error Message. Still the site and search seems to work.

    I think the error message is due to the reason that Geodirectory is still busy switchin the CPT with the specific filters. The error wont occure if you wait for a few seconds before hitting Search


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    you have to be super fast or find a moment where your server isn’t going at full speed. (which I never could while trying)

    Yes if you click search while the form is doing another operation (loading the fields) an error can occur.

    I’ve already asked to Stiofan to add spinning icons to the search button while any operation is occuring and to disable buttons until the operation is done.

    That way the user should understand that something is going on and he has to wait before clicking search.



    Post count: 26


    Cant the error message just be turned off? I also got it occassionaly just by goin back from a standard detail page to the home page using the Back button of the browser… thats sorta annoying…all would be fine if the message wouldnt appear at all



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I’m not able to see this error and we can’t fix what we can’t see.

    If you can’t tell us exactly how to reproduce it, try to take a screenshot next time, it could help.



    Post count: 26

    I uploaded a Video for you showing the issue

    Couldnt record it with a screenrecorder since it always crashed…but I guess you ll get the picture also from my smartphone recording…



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    next update will solve that.


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