Hi, I am running through the update from v1 core to v2 core. While I was able to install v2, I am stuck at the point where GeoDirectory should run a data update. It was taking over 10 minutes for only 209 listings so I clicked the link in the notification to force an update but it immediately fed me the following error which breaks the site completely.
Fatal error: Class 'NF_Abstracts_MergeTags' not found in /the/path/to/wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/includes/widgets/class-geodir-widget-ninja-forms.php on line 189
Deactivating or Reactivating Geodirectory by changing the plugin folder name fixes or breaks the site respectively.
I had been using GeoDirectory Advance Search Filters v1, and GeoDirectory Custom Post Types v1 a long time ago, but these have been deactivated and deleted before the v2 update. (The GD v2 update claimed I had the plugins installed possibly because of old files but they were absent on the WP plugin page).
The GD plugins (besides caching plugins) I deactivated before installing v2 were:
GeoDirectory Claim Manager
GeoDirectory Location Manager
GeoDirectory Marker Cluster
GeoDirectory Re-Captcha
GeoDirectoryx Force Update
The GD plugins I left active:
WP Easy Updates
I wiped this staging site and launched a new copy but I still got the same error when forcing the conversion. I imagine I should continue to use fresh copies in case the DB was fucked up during the conversion.
Is there a way I can tell that Geodirectory is converting the site successfully after installing and activating v2? WHat about this error, how can I get GD to update the DB properly? Thanks.