Event dates parameters, map

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 5 years ago.

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  • #532923

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    Post count: 187


    Two things I was hoping someone could help me with:

    1.) When I am on my site as the user, I try to select the date parameters to search all events that fall within those dates, I know that there are events that are added in there that lie within those dates, but when I do the search it comes up with a message like the attached:

    2.) What is the best way to create a visual map that someone can click on, and it will pop up with a date selector to view all events occurring in that state (an island in my case)? I would also like a link where I can insert all upcoming events in a certain area to post on social media. This would be the same for businesses. We have three islands we advertise that make up the US Virgin Islands. I would like a map on the homepage or that drops down from the menu bar that shows the three islands, you can select which island and choose events, businesses, or whatever other CPT I might want to include. for the events selector you can choose events within a specified time frame or simply clicking the events will take you to the events page that I currently have. You guys have my credentials already you so you are free to go in there if you would like to look at it: http://www.whattodo-vi.com/wp-admin

    I am trying to still work on a previous issue of events not automatically taking from my Xylus plugin that uploads events from FB, for some reason, I still have to go in myself to add the event because of an issue with the areas, it takes “US Virgin Islands” twice one for the country which is correct and another time for the island which is not correct, it should be either St. Thomas, St. John or St. Croix.



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