Hi Support,
GeoDirectory 1.6.2
GeoDirectory Events 1.3.5
and other GD plugins…
Theme: GDF Child 1.0.0
I’m using the latest version of all plugins and the GDF child theme and I believe I’ve found a bug where event tags are concerned.
I’m not sure if this is a GDF issue or not (events bug?) so sorry if I’ve posted into the wrong forum.
On the details page for an Event:
The event tag information (which I’ve called courses on my website) is only showing the first letter and this is reflected in the tag hyperlink too. When you click on the hyperlink it then of course finds no results as it came up with a new tag on the fly!
actually displayed: http://coursesdojo.com/course/tags/s/
expected: http://coursesdojo.com/course/tags/scrummaster
You can see this issue happen on http://coursesdojo.com/course/certified-scrummaster-2/?gde=2016-04-04)
What I’ve noticed is that a new category tag called ‘s’ is created which I can see via the WP Admin panel here:
How can this be resolved?
Many thanks,