Thanks, I came across this issue again today. And this is the first event I’ve tried to list since posting this. The event is three days. And everyday has different times.
Sometimes days don’t have times. It may be nice if we didn’t have to add times. That is, if times were optional. This is sort of debilitating right now. Events are pretty important and the times are critical. I would rather not have the time than have the wrong time. And right now to get these sites going I’m entering events for people and so far more than anything it seems time is not readily available.
Really the best thing would be to make time optional and have different times for each day.
And this site’s events mostly are festivals that last more than one day. So, I can see this being an issue for most events.
Here’s an example:
Pulled from this facebook event:
If not set for recurring it looks like the event starts on May 17th at 11am and ends on May 19th at 4pm
If set for recurring it looks like the event is 11-4 everyday
Alternatively they/I could enter each day as a separate event, but that would be very tedious for the lister and confusing for the the site visitor.