Event upload not taking the places correctly from WP aggregator and as such

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  • #528916

    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Good Morning!

    I am having issues with my events. This site is for the US Virgin Islands and the events locations are organized by COUNTRY (US Virgin Islands), then ISLAND (St. Thomas, St. John, or St. Croix), then by AREA (location on the respective island). I am trying to automate event upload as it is too time consuming for me. So, I downloaded WP Aggregate Pro and use the Facebook event upload featured which is a huge help. However, when I add the events in aggregate, and then synch them and hit publish to GD Events (where it should just automatically publish to the calendar), the events show up on the back end, but they do not appear live on the site. I found out that when I click on the event, it says US Virgin Islands in both the COUNTRY and ISLAND section, so once I select the correct ISLAND (St. Thomas, St. John or St. Croix) and then hit publish, it then shows up. Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated…. maybe there is a way to add the island selection and category section to the backend of WP so it can show up in the quick edit or bulk edit function if nothing else?

    THANK YOU!!!


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