Excluded search terms

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #121779

    Post count: 151

    Hi team,

    I am wondering if in the keyword search functionality is thought of excluding most common words as:

    the, i, you, he, she, and, or…, etc.

    Looking forward to reading your comments on this one.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    no because the system must be multilingual compatible and it’s impossible to exclude common words for any language.

    You can find an option in: GD >> General >> serach >> Individual word search limit

    That is the extent of it.



    Post count: 151

    Thanks for the clarification, paolo.

    I have seen this option but it really doesn’t work for our case to filter even on two letters level as there are businesses named with just two letters 🙂

    My two cents are that it would be wonderful to think about such extension, even made multilingual compatible, as it can vastly improve the keyword search in general.

    Sorry, I am just spoiled user of SearchWP plugin and I love the magic this plugin does with the general wp search loop.

    By the way Jonathan from SearchWP is open for an integration solution. I was writing about it in another post as private message. Did Stiofan had a chance to look at it?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    it will take a while before Stiofan can spare any time on assisting developers for 3rd party integrations.

    We have been really really busy in this period and it doesn’t seem to be getting any quieter.


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