Experiments with tablets and phones

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I’m using the Enfold theme and finding all sorts of issues on Android and Windows tablets and phones.

    1. Android tablet –

    a. Default explorer browser – Can’t see header logo or menu, seems to have been reported by other Enfold users too and might be fixable with css?

    b. Firefox browser – works OK, but uploaded images are completely black, so no use for adding a listing!

    c. Opera and Chrome, both work OK.

    2. Windows phone – a bit old now, a lot of the js doesn’t work, I can’t set a business address for example.

    3. User interface on a tablet – Using the menus on a tablet without a mouse is a bit difficult. The Location Switcher in particular is hard/impossible to use.

    I think an app will be essential for phone use.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    The Apps are under development already. It will use the phonegap framework to be compatible with all devices. We will released the GeoTheme version 1st hopefully in 4/6 weeks. Than we will add API to GD, modify the GT app to accomodate what GD provide more/differently and release them.

    Apps will not be included in the Addons membership. They will be sold separately.

    Thanks for testing our throughly on mobile devices. We will do our best to fix the point raised as soon as possible.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    The reason why the location switcher is difficult to use is because it is a “combo” box – a drop list with an entry field. So the droplist drops and the entry field appears which triggers the device keyboard to open on the screen partially hiding the droplist on my device.

    On one device the droplist appeared completely off the screen and couldn’t be selected.


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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    Apps for GeoDirectory are in the roadmap, but still pretty far from being available.

    We will decide about pricing once we know how much time we invested developing them.


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