Explanation about GeoLocation/User Location

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wasanajones 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #10705

    Post count: 180

    Hi –

    Please provide a reference on what the options are for User Location (I don’t even know what to call it).

    ie when user lands on directory page they get a prompt about sharing their location. If you decline several differnet things might happen – some sites continue to show the map but a dialogue popup appears saying something like can’t find … blah blah

    other sites, like the geodirectory demo http://wpgeo.directory/ have the map disappear and a message “No Records Found” and no intuitive next step to find the map again and searches don’t seem to find anything

    I really don’t need auto detect, I’d like to give the user the option to enter a location, select from a dropdown, or just find all listings for a listing type regardless of having to select a location beforehand.



    Post count: 29970

    The options are ON and OFF.
    Disable your GeoDirectory Share Location plugin if you do not want to use it.
    The reason why “the map disappears” is because the user will be taken to the closest location that is in your database, and if there are no listings for that query, the system will say that there are no records at that location for the query.

    Make sure you add the Location Switcher to your menu if you want people to browse to other locations.
    Tick the box at


    Post count: 180


    Thanks for following up. However my security settings lock me out when a url is appended like that, but I figured it out. A little explanation goes a long way.

    because I had the multilocations plugin, I went to
    admin > geodirectory > multilocations > location settings > MAIN NAVIGATION SETTINGS >

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