FAO: Stiofan O’Connor. RE: Oxygen Builder

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years ago.

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    Eugene UK
    Free User
    Post count: 39

    Dear Stiofan,

    Do you have plans to make GeoDirectory friendly with Oxygen Builder?
    I have tried to make it work, but there seem to be clashes with js functions. For instance the Upload Image is impossible to use on the front end.

    Many thanks!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Eugene,

    We do have plans to make it compatible, they even gave us a dev license but we have not found time to test it yet. We will announce when we have done testing.




    Eugene UK
    Free User
    Post count: 39

    Good news! Thank you for your reply, Stiofan.


    Eugene UK
    Free User
    Post count: 39

    Dear Stiofan,

    Whilst I was very happy to learn that GeoDirectory’s view on Oxygen has changed to positive, (and it must have been a recent change as I remember reading some pretty stiff and negative responces from your support team on this subject) I have to stress that you may need to find the required time and resources fast enough to stay ahead of the WordPress game.

    This may also involve such frameworks as Brizy, but I believe that GeoDirectory’s adapting to Oxygen Builder might solve many bulk problems naturally.

    After testing GeoDirectory’s available free themes, I realised how ridgid and inflexible they are. Some of them recommend using Beaver Builder! What?! Why?!

    Also, Elementor is beginning to look and feel old and boring against the background of Oxygens, Brizies and the likes.

    When do you plan to deal with Oxygen Builder compatibility problems?

    Many thanks in advance,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Right now GD Shortcodes can be used with Oxygen builder. I have tried it with some success.

    Since the release of V2, GeoDirectory can be used with any theme. If users want to work with Oxygen and GeoDirectory they can do that with other themes, too.

    We will add support and deeper integration based on popularity, and surely we will look into it when it is requested often here in the forum.

    Thanks for inquiring about it, we have a note about your request and will update this topic if there is an update available.

    If you are having a particular issue we can look into it.

    Just share WP Admin credentials and point us to where we can see the issue.

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