Favorite Not Working & Default Location Not Working

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 26

    Hi guys,

    I posted two separate posts a week or two ago about Favorites not working and Default Location not working.

    Paolo suggested that my DB had issues as many locations did not correspond to their locations. I ended up removing all locations outside of the United States, due to address formatting, and then re-geocoded all addresses. I proceeded with dropping all tables, re-installing WordPress and setup my categories. I’ve imported my new reformatted CSV with updated lat/long and my map of the United States looks much better, I can definitely see listings in places where there were none previously, HOWEVER, the Favorites option and Default location options are not working.

    Can someone please take a look at my site? I will respond to this post with a login page and administrator credentials.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 26
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 26

    The issue with Favorites is when you click the Favorites link a small iframe window opens next to the link. No favorites are added to the favorites tab.

    The issue with Default Location is the map never defaults to that location.


    Post count: 29970

    The map is not supposed to default to the default location. Default location is just to set up, without any location a map cannot work. Since you use multiple countries, regions and cities, the default location becomes obsolete.

    I have changed your setting that did not allow registration.
    I set your WP permalinks to postname.
    I deleted a blank location in multi-location.
    The majority if not all of your listings do not have a street address, so there is a database problem still.

    I’ll assign this to Paolo who has helped you before, he might be able to pinpoint the problem better.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 26

    So if there is no street address then this will cause issues?

    I have several listings that are setup with phone numbers and no address. When I was trying to upload these via CSV I was getting address issues and Vikas advised the blank address was preventing the upload. Per advice I entered “Unavailable” as the street address for these listings.

    Is the fix to remove all listings for which I do not have a street address?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 26

    Thank you for your assistance!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    About the default location, with the latest multilocation you have 2 options:

    1 Show default location results on home page (First time only, if geodirectory home page is your site home page and user comes to home page).

    2 Show everywhere location results on home page (First time only, if geodirectory home page is your site home page and user comes to home page).

    I set it to 1 now and Denver shows up to visitors the 1st time.

    Listings without address and lat and long shouldn’t be there. If you have a lat and long you have an address.


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