Hi Jakes,
there is a hook that let’s you add any custom content after any listings in both listings page and widgets because they sahe the same function, so it would show in both lists (main content area and sidebar).
That is geodir_after_listing_post_excerpt.
It is very easy to add the tags names with a function like this:
add_action('geodir_after_listing_post_excerpt' ,'geodir_my_new_listings_content');
function geodir_my_new_listings_content($tab_index) {
if (geodir_is_page('listing')) {
$post_details = geodir_get_post_info($entry['ID']);
echo $post_details->post_tags;
However adding the tags links as i believe you want, it much more complicated, because locations has to be taken into consideration to create the URLs, depending on which page the link is actually displayed.
In that case the function would be 20 times longer and I’ve tested for 10 minutes before giving up… Stiofan would be required to create something like that.
I’l lask him if he can have a look and provide a quick function to workaround this, but I can’t promise anything.