Featured image

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #537548

    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419


    I use the supreme theme on our website and I’ve noticed some issues when a paid for listing changes back to its free version.

    All the text and images remain even though I have set the free listing to display no images or text.

    I tried to manually delete the text and images which worked ok but I then noticed that the featured image is still showing even though deleted.

    I have no way of clearing the featured image off the listing, I also noticed that on the search page it’s not removing the tags.


    If you view that page it’s still showing the listings past packages, free, standard and basic tags which is also confusing as it’s only set to free?

    It’s on more than just this listing also, it’s any that change.



    Post count: 29970

    I cannot see a featured image at https://www.caninedirectory.co.uk/dog-services/united-kingdom/south-yorkshire/branton/boarding_kennels/tails-a-wagging/

    The reason the Basic and Standard badges show is probably because the way you added the badges in the GD Archive Item template.

    Please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply and we will have a look at your settings if you like.

    Downgrading of listings may be affected by caching plugins and sometimes you may need to force it by re-saving permalinks.



    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    You have a custom field called “Standard Listing” which is required for every listing.
    You then have this shortcode in the GD Archive Item:

    [gd_post_badge key="standard" condition="is_not_empty"  icon_class="fas fa-certificate" badge="Standard" bg_color="#7a7a7a" txt_color="#ffffff"]

    Because it is required, it will never be empty, so it will show for every listing.

    Same for the custom field called “1 Image”.

    [gd_post_badge key="1image" condition="is_not_empty"  icon_class="fas fa-certificate" badge="Basic" bg_color="#7a7a7a" txt_color="#ffffff"]



    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419

    Hi Guust,

    Sorry for the delay in responding.

    Thank you for looking, is that a simple fix then as I want each listing to display a badge relating to the level of listing it is.

    I thought I had done it correctly but I guess I have done the code wrong for those badges.



    Post count: 29970

    I deleted the shortcodes that display the title for the Standard and 1Image fields.


    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419

    Hi Guust,

    Thank you for your reply, the issue is I want the badges to appear and I also have my sort to display in order.


    The idea I got from the badges is that you can have each tier of listing display a relevant badge showing it’s level.

    When the listing runs out and/or they upgrade/downgrade it displays both badges, how do i set it to only display the badge for the level of listing it’s at.

    If a listing downgrades from premium to standard it displays both the badges even though the listing only has standard selected.

    It’s like its remembering what it was at and displays both.

    Very strange, is that how the badges are supposed to work?

    I added those codes back for now as I have paid for listings that use them, it’s just annoying that old badges stay even when the field is not selected within the listing.

    I tried changing the ‘is_not_empty’ section to all other available options yet the badges don’t show at all then.



    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419

    I think I might of worked out the fix, I need to set the badge for each package id and it works.

    I can’t use a code to cover all I need to do individually.

    Will update in an hour or so if this issue is resolved.



    Amy Fox
    Expired Member
    Post count: 419

    Sorted, this can be closed now.


    Post count: 29970

    Thanks for letting us know.

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