Featured Image – auto sizing

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Brian Stensrud
    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Hi there,

    Using Directory Starter and it’s child theme, I’ve noticed that I cannot get the featured-image to auto-scale. It does switch to a smaller full size image at certain viewport break points, but I really prefer it to just keep scaling down. I’m able to do this with css for most images and I suspect that the “parallax” is preventing my normal approach from working.

    Are you aware of how to accomplish this ?
    much appreciated
    b. stensrud


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I’m not entirely sure I understand what the problem is.

    It does not switch to a smaller full size image at certain viewport break points as far as I know. The size of the image is always the same and we only resize the height with CSS.

    If you give us a better idea of what you are trying to achieve, we’ll try to help out.



    Brian Stensrud
    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Hey Paolo – thanks for the quick response 🙂

    I’m only guessing about the switching to smaller sizes – you’re probably correct.

    However, when I resize my screen, the image does shrink ( but not scale ), and at 2 or 3 breakpoints, it then shows as full size again – but scaled properly to the screen size. In other words, there is a definite “jump” to a re-scaled image.

    I want to be able to re-size the screen and have the image smoothly auto-size itself per the screen size.

    Please check this simple code-pen example I have just created that visually shows what I’m trying to do : https://codepen.io/stensrbr/pen/PBvvGJ

    thanks again


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    The featured image is the background of a div, not a tag within a page. The image is taller than the div and part of it is hidden, so that scrolling you can have the background parallax effect.

    I don’t think what you want can be done only with some custom css.

    I think you’ll need to remove the current featured area HTML and instead add a regular banner image.

    I asked to the developers to either confirm my suspects, or let us know how they would tackle this.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I’m still not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve, the image is not supposed to be sully visable, this is so we can apply a prallax effect, this parallax effect is less and less as the screen shrinks but i don’t see any image jump like u mention? Can u tell me how to recreate the problem?


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