Footer Reflects theme and WordPress

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sieko Skrzypczak 7 years, 12 months ago.

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    Sieko Skrzypczak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Hi Team

    My footers are showing up as the Genesis theme and the wordpress credentials. I would obviously like to change this. I have looked at previous queries on this issue and tried the fix.

    The code I put in the site was From <;

    //* Add My Custom Footer Links
    add_filter(‘genesis_footer_creds_text’, ‘custom_footer_creds_text’);
    function custom_footer_creds_text($creds) {
    $creds = ‘[footer_copyright] ‘ . get_bloginfo(‘name’) . ‘ • WordPress Directory Theme by WP Geo Themes‘;
    return $creds;

    This however does not change my footers when I input different info. Can you guys maybe let me know where I need to input this code?

    I appreciate your assistance


    Sieko Skrzypczak


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Sieko,

    You can use the code snippets plugin to run this custom code. . If it still doesn’t work, please share WP temp admin access. You can post the details here using the private reply option below.



    Sieko Skrzypczak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Hi Kor

    Sorted this out

    For anyone who wants to fix this go to your Filemanager –
    Go to WP-Content
    Go To Themes
    Select Geo-Bold Theme
    Look for the functions.php
    (Line 107 you can make the changes directly) The line may differ if you are not running a child theme.

    Thanks for the support guys. The more I work with you guys the more I appreciate all the support you guys give!!



    Sieko Skrzypczak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Hi Kor

    I sorted this out initially when I was using the GEO Bold Theme.

    I have switched to the Supreme Directory and my solution above obviously doesnt work. The Functions.php file refers to a container.

    Not sure where and how to change this now. I did try and edit the code into a css editor. However made no changes

    Would appreciate some direction here



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