Force map center or exclude outlying listings

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  5tratus 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #248667

    Betsy Kaage
    Post count: 5

    The map is centering on the geographic center of all listings. The problem is I have one listing way far to the south and it’s making the map focus in the middle of nowhere.

    Is it possible to force the map to center on the Default City?
    To exclude certain listings from showing on the map?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Dave,

    I’ve just checked your Website and I’m able to see the issue there. Have you tried adjusting the “zoom” level of the “GD > GMap” widget so it fits the current location or the default city location? Or you can have that “Tours” category untick by default in GD > Design > Home Map Settings.



    Post count: 72

    Hi there!
    I’m having a similar problem – 99% of my listings are in the UK – but 1 of them is in Turkey – so if I have auto zoom set, it zooms out to include turkey and looks like crap. If I turn off auto zoom – the map centers on Germany thereby showing NONE of my listings.

    I would like to center my map on the midlands by default. is this possible? Where do I go, or can I go, to set a default latitude and longitude?



    Post count: 72

    oh… I also tried to set the GD>Design>Home Map Settings – so that it excludes the new category I assigned to the Turkey listing – but this only works on the “home” map.. and my default view is the “listing” map.. so it doesn’t work there 🙁 so I can’t use this.. is there anything I can do? I just want my map to center on the UK and pretend that turkey isn’t there unless they scroll the map over to it
    there must be a way


    Post count: 72

    I wonder if maybe I could add a function that did this bit

       // Untick the category by default on home map
                    if ($is_home_map && $geodir_home_map_untick = get_option('geodir_home_map_untick')) {
                        if (!empty($geodir_home_map_untick) && in_array($post_type . '_' . $cat_term->term_id, $geodir_home_map_untick)) {
                            $checked = '';

    which I found in geodirectory-functions/map-functions/map_functions.php

    If I could add something in my functions.php file that did THAT – but applied it to the listing map then maybe I could exclude the turkish listing from the map – and then the map would center where I need it to??

    what do you think?

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